Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. I’m Chuck Zimmerman.
I’m getting a break from the agriblogging highway after last week’s AgGateway Mid-Year Meeting in Altoona, IA. Cindy and I have worked on our calendar through the end of the year and there are quite a few more places to be around the USA.
In this episode I have a conversation with Gardner Hatch, the new Executive Director of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting. We have known Gardner for a long time and he is a card carrying member of the ZimmComm Golden Mic Club. And was the recipient of one of the first Golden Mic Awards at the Agri-Marketing Conference. So, let’s get started.
Gardner talks about why he chose to make this career move and the NAFB 10 year strategic plans and priorities.
That’s the ZimmCast for now. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for listening.
Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. I’m Chuck Zimmerman.
During this year’s NAFB Trade Talk I interviewed a lot of company representatives and am taking this opportunity to share some of them. These folks had a lot more than just the Golden ZimmComm Microphone in their face! But they are now members of the Golden Mic Club. Here’s who you can listen to in this order: Mike DiPaola,Taranis and Ethan Noll, Ag Partners Co-op; Mark Foster, AMVAC; Aaron Robinson, Benson Hill; Aaron Eddy, Azotic and Brian Neineke, Phospholutions.
I know that was a lot of information on different products and companies but I hope you enjoyed it.
Cindy and I will be on the agriblogging and podcasting trail for the American Seed Trade Association’s newly named Field Crop Seed Conference. It is being held in Orlando, FL for the first time. The Golden ZimmComm Microphone will get a workout once again before we start the new year in Ft. Worth at the Beltwide Cotton Conference.
That’s the ZimmCast for this episode. I hope you enjoy it and thank you for listening.
Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast.
In this week's program Cindy and I share excerpts from interviews we recorded for the NAFB Trade Talk session. Some of these were before the convention or during the session. Included are now past-President, Rita Frazer, RFD Radio; Liz Hunt, Syngenta; Andy Lavigne, ASTA; Geoff Cooper, RFA and Norm Davy, Heliae.
I hope you enjoy it and thank you for listening.