I'm going to share a few interviews from the conference that I hope you'll enjoy. First up will be Amanda Radke, BEEF daily blogger, BEEF Magazine. Amanda was an early intern for us who wrote for AgWired when she was in her final year at South Dakota State University. I'm proud of the career she is having and to have been a part of it in our little way.
Next up you'll hear Dr. Frank Mitloehner, Professor and Air Quality Extension Specialist, Department of Animal Science, University of California, Davis. He spoke about "Beef's Carbon Footprint: Setting the Record Straight." And he certainly does that. I hope you'll follow him on Twitter. We need more like him.
Then you can hear my Farm Babe 2.0 interview. I spoke with Michele Miller last year at the conference and we did it again this year at the end of the conference. If you're not following The Farm Babe then get started.
I hope you enjoy it and thank you for listening.