The new and expanded ZimmCast is here. After informally polling our audience and looking at new podcast research we clearly heard that you want more. So the length of the ZimmCast will increase with features of interviews from events we have or are attending and will continue to bring you what's new in the world of agribusiness with a focus on agricultural marketing.
This week you'll hear portions of the following:
Our new Growth Energy Podcast
Ethanol Report Podcast
Sonny Perdue FFA Convention Press Conference
USFRA Food Revolution Movie Sponsorship Press Conference
John Deere Combines interview from Sunbelt Ag Expo
Bayer's Liam Condon at the Youth Ag Summit
We hope you enjoy it and thank you for listening.
This week's program features a conversation with National FFA Advisor, Dr. Steve Brown. Jamie Johansen is involved in judging during the National FFA Convention but had time to sit down with Dr. Brown. According to Jamie, "Dr. Brown and my dad were state FFA officers together and then worked for the Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education in Agricultural Education for decades together. Long-time friends and colleagues."
Dr. Brown talks about changes in how to teach young people today. He remembers when computers became a tool and the advances in technology that have led us to today's tools. Of course, social media is a component of those tools. One of the takeaways he hopes some of the convention attendees will walk away with is the desire to become agriculture educators.
Learn more about Dr. Brown and what is happening at this year's convention in the program.
This week's program is coming to you from the Sunbelt Ag Expo in Moultrie, GA. With Chuck in the program is Chip Blalock, Executive Director.
Chuck asked Chip right away to tell him what's new this year with the show which is celebrating forty years. To start with, there are 100 new or returning exhibitors bringing the total number of exhibits to 1,211. That's considered a sell-out of space.
This week's program comes to you from the Youth Ag Summit in Brussels, Belgium with featured moderator Simon Pampena, Australian Numeracy Ambassador and contributor to Science Channel's Outrageous Acts of Science. Jamie Johansen is on location there and talked with Simon about what he does which includes being a professional nerd and math comedian.
Simon also moderated the Summit in Australia two years ago. He says science, like agriculture, needs to become better at telling stories. He loves engaging with young people, motivating them and seeing them make connections and become agvocates. You can learn more in this week's program.